3rd Phase Navajo Chief Blanket

3rd Phase Navajo Chief Blanket

Louise Neswood
Navajo Textile
52 x 58 inches (L x W)
3rd Phase Navajo Chief Blanket woven using all custom spun, hand dyed Churro wool. The central panel is filled with color and life. Some natural dyes. The variegation in the green, blue and brown make this piece very special. Circa 2003. Churro # 1389.

Antique Crystal

Antique Crystal

Navajo Textile
84 x 62 inches (L x W)
Antique Crystal Navajo rug in greys, red and black. J.B. Moore, trader in the Crystal area during the 1890's -1910's encouraged Navajo weavers to create tightly woven rugs for the eastern United States trade. This is a fine example. Hand carded, hand spun native wool. The red is aniline dyed. Circa 1920's. GHT # 41

Antique Double Navajo Saddle Blanket

Antique Double Navajo Saddle Blanket

Navajo Textile
56 x 35 inches (L x W)
Woven with hand carded, hand spun native wool. A bit larger than a typical double saddle blanket. Interesting design. Circa 1920's. JV 115.

Antique Hubbell/JB Moore Design

Antique Hubbell/JB Moore Design

Navajo Textile
98 x 58 inches (L x W)
B Moore - Hubbell Navajo rug. JL Hubbell of the Hubbell Trading Post had great influence in improving the quality of Navajo weavings. Known more for his influence the development of the Ganado style of weaving, he was also responsible for having weavers use what has become known as the Hubbell Cross in their creations. The Hubbell Cross is recognized as the large cross in this piece. Created using aniline dyes, and hand carded, hand spun Native wool. This weaving is based off of plate XX in the JB Moore catalog. Circa 1910's. PC 109.

Antique JB Moore Crystal

Antique JB Moore Crystal

Navajo Textile
108 x 58 inches (L x W)
Crystal JB Moore Plate XXIII. The weaver of this piece modified the original plate and added beautiful interwoven X's in each of the corners. Circa 1920's. GHT 1052.

Antique Red Mesa/Teec Nos Pos

Antique Red Mesa/Teec Nos Pos

Navajo Textile
100 x 62 inches (L x W)
Hand carded, hand spun, hand dyed, Lincoln wool. Aniline dyes, some natural wool color. Circa 1920's. GHT 84

Antique Serape - Rio Grand Saltillo Style

Antique Serape - Rio Grand Saltillo Style

Navajo Textile
95 x 53 inches (L x W)
Incredibly detailed Serape woven in the early 1880s by a master who had been influenced by the Rio Grande - Saltillo style, using 4-ply Germantown yarn. Tri-colored border at the top and bottom of the piece, and then tiny, fine teeth make their appearance on each of the sides. Circa 1880's. PC 35.

Antique Teec Nos Pos

Antique Teec Nos Pos

Navajo Textile
64 x 116 inches (L x W)
Featuring two central Spiderwoman crosses brilliantly woven with a fine zig-zag accent, red ribbon borders and a gorgeous reversing arrow brown border. Woven with beautiful Lincoln wool. Circa 1920's. GHT 2096.

Antique Two Grey Hills

Antique Two Grey Hills

Navajo Textile
73 x 50 inches (L x W)
Woven with all natural wool colors. Circa 1930's. GHT 2109



Master Weaver Gloria Bitsui
Navajo Textile
90 x 78 inches (L x W)
Master weaver Gloria Bitsui of the Blue Gap area is the artist behind this bright Ganado pattern rug. Gloria incorporated the "Greek key" design into an unusual border, and used the shapes again as a border for the inner diamond. Tightly woven, commercial wool. Circa 2019 # 3076

Innovative Design Runner

Innovative Design Runner

Master Weaver Frances Begay
Navajo Textile
138 x 41 inches (L x W)
100% hand dyed, custom spun Churro wool. Circa 2021. Churro # 1659

Single Saddle Navajo Blanket Pictorial

Single Saddle Navajo Blanket Pictorial

Navajo Textile
31 x 32 inches (L x W)
Beautiful hand dyed, custom spun Churro wool. Circa 2021. Churro # 1677

Teec Nos Pos

Teec Nos Pos

Master Weaver Cara Yazzie
Navajo Textile
63 x 95 inches (L x W)
This gorgeous Teec Nos Pos piece, made of the finest Churro wool, features incredible symmetry with zig-zag diagonals serving as a background for the geometric patterns and borders. This gorgeous Teec Nos Pos piece, made of the finest Churro wool, features incredible symmetry with zig-zag diagonals serving as a background for the geometric patterns and borders. Won 1st Place at the 2000 Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial. Circa 2000. Churro # 625

Woman's Shawl

Woman's Shawl

Master Weaver Kathy Marianito
Navajo Textile
16 x 60 inches (L x W)
Master Weaver Kathy Marianito, Woven with custom spun, hand dyed, fine Churro wool. Ideal shawl proportions, this easily can be draped as a display when not being worn. Another beautiful and dramatic example of wearable art! Circa 2021. Churro # 1671 Kathy Marianito is a true descendant of master weavers. Her great-great-grandmother Juanita was considered one of the finest blanket weavers in the 1870s and 1880s.  Juanita’s husband, Manuelito, was one of the most prominent leaders of the Navajo people.  Manuelito, Kathy’s great-great-grandfather, was instrumental in negotiating the Navajos release from Fort Sumner and Bosque Redondo and return to their homeland.